Ceylon Estate Staffs' Union (CESU)


Ceylon Estate Staffs’ Union is the first to celebrate 100 years of continuous existence as a Trade Union in Sri Lanka. It was inaugurated in 1920 at a time when the staff grade employees of the Plantation Sector were badly in need of an organization to represent them and raise a voice against injustice they underwent and fight for their rights and privileges.

Our predecessors have worked tirelessly to fulfill their obligations and past and present members of the Union have reaped the results of such achievements.

Present day demands of the members have changed according to the varying needs of the day and the challenges before us are enormous. CESU is well organized under the present leadership and we are determined and committed to work with renewed strength and enthusiasm to serve our members.

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CESU has been playing a leading role in many struggles of the working class and organizations of Civil Societies in Sri Lanka.

+94 112 573 948