Ceylon Estate Staffs' Union (CESU)

தொழிலாளர் சட்டத்திற்கு கை வைக்க வேண்டாம் !
කුරුණෑගල සාමූහික ගිවිසුම...
කම්කරු නීතිවලට අත නොතබනු !
ஜனவசம ஒப்பந்தம் கைச்சாத்திடப்பட்டது !
ලංවසේස කුරුණෑගල වැවිලි සමාගම...
සාමාජික ගැටළු විසඳීමට කඩිනම් පියවර..

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CESU has been playing a leading role in many struggles of the working class and organizations of Civil Societies in Sri Lanka.

+94 112 573 948